I visited Kate as I was having some stress and issues with attending medical appointments during my first pregnancy. I found her insights about my issues and concerns very enlightening and actually found it very helpful just to voice them with someone who listened and acknowledged my issues without judging them. I had no experience of hypnotherapy before and was rather sceptical that it could or would help me. After the initial session Kate gave me a recording to listen to, which I found very useful and easy to relax to. Especially helpful as I was suffering with some insomnia related to pregnancy. I attended more sessions and after each one found greater positivity and was more relaxed. I truly believe that my relaxed state greatly benefited my growing baby and my own wellbeing during my pregnancy and birth. I found Kate’s incredible positivity and zest for life especially good to be around and I really felt boosted by the experience of the sessions. I would recommend trying hypnotherapy out and giving it a few sessions before making any decisions. I think the skills for deep relaxation and self-hypnosis can help people long term and if I get stressed again or ever have a problem to sleep or generally need relaxation I would use the recordings.